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21 Good Things

What follows is some additional information on each of the ‘21 things’.  Let us know if you can suggest  anything to improve this information or even suggest other ‘good things’ that can be done in Capel Sound.​

1. Cafes on Point Nepean Road

​​There are currently 6 spots along Point Nepean Road, Capel Sound that serve a coffee and most are open all year round.

2. The Sound Bar in the Village

The Sound Bar is in the centre of Village and provides meals, drinks and an excellent mix of music throughout the year.  Its probably the No. 1 music venue on the southern peninsula

3.  Restaurants

We have five restaurants along Point Nepean Road that serve Thai, Indian, Italian and Australian cuisines.

4.  Traders in the Village

The Capel Sound General Store stocks a broad range of goods and, in addition to normal news agency services, the Newsagency also sells basic supplies.



5.  Fish & Chips on the beach at Sunset

The Capel Sounds Fish and Chips shop is in the shopping village on the east side of Capel Avenue.  We also have Coaster Take Away at the Illaroo Street shops.

6.  The Colourful Kiteboarders

The beaches of Capel Sound are ideal for kiteboarding when the north wind is blowing.  With shallow waters that are clean and clear our beaches are a favourite with kiteboarders.  However they wont be there when the southerlies are blowing or when there is no wind at all.

7.  The pristine waters of Capel Sound

The waters of Capel Sound are simply pristine -  particularly evident during the still Summer and Autumn days.  Its hard to beat a walk in the shallows or wander way out on the distant sandbanks when the low, low tides are with us.

8.  Walking Groups

There are a number of groups that regularly walk the foreshore so try to catch up with one or start your own with a few of your friends or neighbours.

9.  Biking the Bay Trail

The Bay Trail is a well-used shared path for pedestrians and cyclists. You can head either east as far as the Safety Beach Marina (around 11k) or west past the Rye Pier to Whitecliffs (around 6k). Its generally a meandering trail that passes through banksia woodland, areas of foreshore camping and has spectacular coastal views.

10. Truemans Reserve

Truemans Reserve has two ovals, leash-free dog area, miniature aeroplane club, three pavilions, netball courts, public toilets, cricket practice nets, athletics track, bocce courts, greyhound training track, a playground and public toilets.  It is located at 146A Truemans Road.

11. Vern Wright Reserve
Situated at 66 Elizabeth Avenue this reserve comprises a Bowling and Croquet Club, tennis courts and a leash-free oval for dogs.  It has also recently incorporated a small playground and public toilets.  Every Friday afternoon guests are welcome to try their hand at bowls or croquet and stay for a happy hour drink and a light meal put on by the members.

12. Volunteering

Volunteering is what keeps communities afloat in that it enables worthwhile causes to exist and provides feel-good and a sense of belonging to those who give their time and skills.  

Some of the Capel Sound organisations that depend on or volunteers are:
Seawinds Community Hub / /Ph.59822204 

Eastbourne Primary School / /Ph.5986 4884

Friends of Chinaman’s Creek / Ph.5985 2844

Capel Sound Foreshore / /Ph.5986 4382
Rosebud Hospital / Ph.5986 0666

13. Saving Tootgarook Swamp

The Tootgarook Swamp is a central part of our environment and shapes the land on which we live, our fauna and flora and the health and life of the adjacent Post Phillip Bay.  It is fragile, very important…and threatened.  You can help the cause by supporting Save Tootgarook Swamp

14. Capel Sound Community Group

This group was previously known as the Rosebud West Action Group and has been making things happen in our community since 2006.  It normally meets at 6-weekly intervals and develops and implements a strategic plan for Capel Sound.  It brings together residents, schools, community groups and council to pool their thinking and resources to build a strong community.  It meets at the Seawinds Community Hub and anyone is welcome to attend.  (Ph. 5982 2204).

15. Seawinds Community Hub

This centre was opened in 2012 and aims to promote social cohesion and provide support, information and services for people of all ages, backgrounds, interests and circumstances.  It also has a café where you can grab a coffee and snack.  Its well worth dropping in to witness this amazing hub that is a key part of the Capel Sound community.

16. Eastbourne Primary School
This well-resourced primary school caters for all students in magnificent facilities with a strong emphasis on students and their academic growth. A walk around the school will identify a large kitchen garden, spacious playgrounds, a recreational hall and an extremely welcoming atmosphere.  Tour the school anytime outside school hours or contact the office for a more personalised walk round.

17. Birds on the Wing

We are blessed to share our space with such prolific birdlife where we regularly witness the overhead flight of the ibis, swans or pelicans.  At the beach we can enjoy the black swans grazing on the seagrass or the colonies of fairy wren, kookaburras, wattle birds, butcher birds….and plenty more.  But do we understand where they go and what they do?

18.  Just bin it

It doesn’t take much effort to pick up some stray rubbish and bin it properly….but it really makes a difference to the feel of a place.

19. Living amongst coastal vegetation

It's the coastal vegetation indigenous to Capel Sound that is part of the Capel Sound experience.  Its always a special experience when we walk along those streets that have managed to retain their coastal vegetation and its even better to live in one. Collecting seeds to germinate indigenous trees, shrubs and grasses is cheap, easy and very rewarding.

20. Sharing your bounty

Whether it be vegies, a cake, something you have built or made or even your books, mags or newspapers.  It works.

21.  Watching out for your neighbours

That’s what defines strong communities.

© 2017 Capel Sound Community Group

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